
Contact Info

  • Call: +91-0542-6917700 Ext:1309
  • hicc@mpmmcc.tmc.gov.in
  • HBCH: 2nd Floor
  • MPMMCC: DNT Building 3rd Floor

Working Hours

  • Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Sunday Weekoff



A hospital infection prevention and control (IPC) team plays a crucial role in ensuring patient safety by minimizing the risk of health care-associated infection (HAIs).

Establishment & location of Hospital Infection Prevention and Control in HBCH & MPMMCC:

  1. Homi Bhabha Cancer Institute (HBCH), Varanasi in 2018, Located at 2nd floor.
  2. Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Cancer Centre (MPMMCC), Varanasi in 2019, located at 3rd floor of the D&T block Infection Control Office (Near PICC clinic).

Key Roles & Activities:

Educating the hospital heath care workers (Doctors, Nurses,Technicians, MTS, others) regarding principles of infection control and stressing individual responsibility for infection Control, hospital policy regarding HAI.


  1. Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) Surveillance- Develops a system for identifying, reporting, analysing, investigation and controlling hospital acquired infections.
  2. Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Surveillance
  3. Environmental Surveillance (Air, Water, Surface- OTs/ICUs and other high-risk area
  4. Staff skin flora Surveillance ( MRSA surveillance )


  1. To check for sterilization & disinfection practices in MPMMCC & HBCH.
  2. In-use test of disinfectants

Outbreak Investigation

  1. Continuous surveillance of infections for early detection of outbreak for which, appropriate control measures are undertaken.
  2. Surveillance of any community outbreak viz. airborne ,contact and any transmission of diseases etc. to prevent spread within the hospital amongst health care workers.

Monitoring Hospital Biomedical Waste Management- In collaboration with the Biomedical Waste Management department, HICC aims at monitoring the waste segregation and disposal system

Auditing-HICC conducts regular audits for various aspects such as:

  1. Hand Hygiene audit
  2. BMW (Biomedical Waste Management) audit
  3. Bundle checklist audit of CLABSI, CAUTI , SSI, Peripheral lines, etc
  4. Sharp safety audit
  5. Daily ward round
  6. Isolation prequation audit
  7. Body fluid spillage audit
  8. Environmental cleaning audit

Needle Stick Injury Reporting System

  1. Reporting of Needle stick Injuries
  2. Testing the health care workers and the source for HIV/HBV/HCV.
  3. Timely administration of appropriate ART if needed in collaboration with IMS BHU art clinic.

Staff Health Care Activities-are carried out with the objectives:

  1. Vaccinating all the staffs/students (especially freshly recruited) of Hepatitis B vaccine.
  2. Regular check of Anti HBs antibody titre of all the staff who exposed NSI as per hospital policy.
  3. Attending all needle stick injured staffs and taking preventive measures- as described above.
  4. Monitoring and investigating potentially harmful infectious exposures and outbreaks among hospital staffs.
  5. Continuous training and ongoing education is carried out for freshly recruited staffs.
  6. Identifying work-related infection risks and instituting appropriate preventive measures.

Monitors the proper use of antibiotics, develops antibiotic policies and recommend remedial measures when antibiotic resistant strains are detected.

Reporting of Notifiable infections by official mail, sensitization by classes in academic session.

Prepare the manuals for hospital infection control as well as antimicrobial guideline and review and update hospital infection control policies and procedures from time to time.

Celebration of Hand hygiene day celebration by workshop & CME (poster competition and Rangoli competition)

Monthly Inservice training for all Nursing officers in collaboration with nursing administration .

The following hospital infection control policies are needed to be framed and practiced and monitored by the Hospital Infection Control Committee ( HICC ).

  1. Guidelines for Prevention & Control of infection
  2. Antimicrobial policy
  3. Surveillance policy
  4. Disinfection policy
  5. Isolation policy
  6. Policy for investigation of an outbreak of infection

Hospital Infection Control Committee Members:

Chair Person (Deputy Director)Dr. B. K Mishra
Member SecretaryDr. Vijeta Bajpai Batra (Associate Professor, Microbiology)
Joint Secretary Dr. Sujit Bharti (Associate Professor, Microbiology)
Infection Control Nurse Mr. Avinash kumar sharma (HBCH)
Ms Subarna Chakraborty (MPMMCC)
MembersDr. Jyotirmay kirtania (Professor& HOD Anesthesia Critical Care)
Dr. Akash Anand, Medical Superintendent
Dr. Soumitra Saha, Associate Professor, Pediatric Oncology
Dr. Rahul Sarode, Associate professor, OIC -Microbiology
Dr. Akhil Kapoor, Associate Professor, OIC Medical oncology
Dr. Prashant Giridhar, Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology
Dr. Shashank Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Anesthesia Critical Care
Mr. Avadhesh kumar Yadav, Nurse C, OIC- OT
Mrs. Rajani Singh Baghel Nurse C, OIC BMT
Mr. Ramavath Surendra Naik, Nurse A, OIC SICU
Mr. Rajesh Phulare OIC, CSSD
Mr. B Senthil kumar, OIC Dispensary & Pharmacy Service